Friday, September 19, 2008

Ya ! So.... another new sem ... figure studies 3 will be continues in our sem3. Ya. Our new lecturer SY such as a nice person, and our tutor, Ivan (new Bs) waha ...Ya is the 1st lesson.. so Sy was brief alots. and he taught us about the 8 elements of art and 8 principles of design in the in the 1st class. Before he explained the 8 elements, he was wrote a few sentences in whiteboard , there are " Remember that a picture, before being a battle horse, a anude, anecdote or whatnot, is essentially a flat surface covered with colors assembled in a certain order.'' Maurice Denis ..... after this will be the explanation as the following :

There are 8 elements of Art and 8 principles of Design.

The elements of Art consist of :

1. dot

2. line
3. shape / face
4. form
5. value
6. texture
7. space, and
8. color.

Whereas the principles of design comprise:

1. repetition / pattern
2. proportion / size
3. harmony / unity
4. balance
5. contrast / opposition
6. rhythm
7. directional movement
8. emphasis / center of interest / focus

After the explaining the theories above from SY, he asked us to do one exercise which was needed to draw more that 2 figures in class and play with the space , let me feel i was in class perspective studies .We finished drawing and were required to snap a picture of what we drew just now and to post on our class blog.Lastly, SY reminded us to prepare a picture plane of a A4 sized mounting board or card and a transparency with grids 1 x 1 inch'' and the border is 2 inches thick, and also he gave us 4 pieces of notes that various standards of proportion .. old folk to baby ~~

This way my spot ....

outcome ...

By Micco a.k.a Law Mei Hua =) Looking forward the next lesson ya ...

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